How can we take the carbon
out of air travel?
About 3% of global air emissions comes from air travel. For commercial aviation to reach net zero by 2050, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is the only way to get there.
SAF is a real solution, but no producer is making it in quantities sufficient to decarbonize the airline industry at scale.
It’s a global problem that must be solved. So we’ve stepped up to solve it. Our ultimate ambition is to create 1 billion gallons of SAF per year in Minnesota.
The Minnesota SAF Hub has been recognized by the World Economic Forum First Movers Coalition.
A new hub to solve a global challenge
The Minnesota SAF Hub is a first-of-its-kind effort to create the supply chain that can produce SAF on a large scale and deliver it to the Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport. To meet the overwhelming demand for low-carbon aviation, the hub links suppliers in production, transportation, regenerative agriculture, renewable energy, refining and more. The GREATER MSP Partnership built and is leading this hub, which includes companies, universities, nonprofits and government. Working together, we have the potential to change everything.
We’re asking some big questions
How do we effectively transition the infrastructure and expertise supporting Minnesota’s biofuels industry to producing SAF?
How do we continue to invest in clean power, drive decarbonization and unlock potential for nascent pathways, like power-to-liquid?
How do we scale our SAF industry using processing infrastructure and feedstocks with multiple environmental benefits, such as woody biomass and novel winter oilseeds?
Why Minnesota is ideal for SAF
Market demand: MSP International Airport is a major hub with 17 airlines, including Delta Air Lines, which aims for 10% SAF usage in the U.S. by 2030. In addition, Minnesota is home to numerous corporate customers looking to move to SAF.
Corporate leadership: Home to 14 Fortune 500 headquarters, Minnesota brings meaningful corporate leadership and resources to bear on the SAF challenge.
Research & technology: Minnesota boasts significant university and private-sector research capabilities that will help us address key scientific and technical hurdles.
Biodiverse & feedstock rich: Minnesota is a major agricultural producer, ranking 5th in the nation for total crop sales and positioned to draw feedstocks from several surrounding states.
State support: In June 2023, Minnesota became one of the first states to enact a tax credit and construction incentive to support the development of a SAF economy.
This is a long-haul flight
Building an industrial scale value chain is serious work. Rather than waiting to perfect the ideal technology, our approach is to make innovations in the short term, even as we invest and work toward long-term solutions. We are committed to progress now and for years to come.
One thing we know is that we will not accomplish this without developing new and innovative partnerships. We are recruiting leaders today to advance this work. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us.